Most people have seen my sketch of the Hulk with Iron Man and Spider-Man. Which was pretty much the epiphany of my return to sketching. Ever since then I've pretty much enjoyed drawing the Hulk, especially that the best part is you can never draw him to big or too small.
2-3 Months ago after enjoying the 2008 movie, The Incredible Hulk. I drew this picture of Hulk rescuing Betty Ross and I made Betty portray Liv Tyler.
I've been wanting to do this one for a while. Now I know comic fans once they see this they're gonna say "you copied off of Leinel Yu," well I used Yu's pose cause it's not everyday you can get a 9 foot monster to rip a man in half. Well ever since I saw Ang Lee's blasphemous 2003 film "HULK" (yea it's called just "HULK" not "The Hulk", but "HULK.") and this summer's blockbuster I always couldn't stand General Thunderbolt Ross, he always pissed me off in both films. That guy was the biggest dick. I mean I repsect the US Armed Forces but this guy was more a Benedict Arnold. He wouldn't leave poor Banner/Hulk alone. This I feel is what the Hulk shoulda just done to the bastard.
I mean I know he was his girlfriend's dad but even she hated him. It also bothered me that the 2003 film Gen. Ross won and the Hulk nearly died. But thanks to the 2008 film the last one never happened. But this is what should've happened to General Ross. At least Venom killed Harry and Cyclops got shattered to pieces so 2 out of 3 ain't bad.
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