Hello, and welcome to Part 2 of Beauties of Literature.
My apologies to Twilight fans when I said in my previous post if your looking for Bella Swan or Hermione Granger you're on the wrong blog. Now just because I said Bella Swan doesn't mean I wasn't gonna include a Twilight member. I've never read the books, however I have seen the movies. Not a fan really it's more of my fiancee's thing.
Now What's my beef with Bella,.... nothing really.... she just seems to plain for my taste. On the other hand as of late I've taken such a strong liking to Alice Cullen (played by Ashley Greene)Through the 1st three movies I thought she was a cutie but the forth movie I got to see more the women in her and less the vampire. I guess you can say she's one of the reasons I'm a little interested in the movies. Ialso learned from the movie why women seem to be into Edward and well for a vamnpire he does show a lot of chivalry and one of th efew guys out there who still believes in it.
More Beauties of Literature to come may be longer but stick around!!!!